C.P.Y.B. Course

Welcome to the course. leading to full C.P.Y.B. Certification.


Those who are studying for future advancement to full Professional Certification will receive a certificate to show that they have successfully completed the study and tests required for a Certified Professional Yacht Broker . Your tutor will be able to help you to gain all the above requirements for full Certification.

Yacht Brokers seeking full certification are asked now to send copies of

Your C.V.

and (if applicable)

  • The letter from your Bank certifying that a specified account is a designated client funds account.
  • Your current Professional Indemnity Insurance.
  • Your R.Y.A. Day Skipper Certificate (or equivalent)
  • Details of your membership of a professional organisation
  • ( e.g. A.B.Y.A., A.Y.B. or B.M.B.R.B. )



Every three years you will be expected to reconfirm the basic requirements above and take a refresher course.

Before you start the first Module, study these three examples

How to Become a Yacht Broker



Next find at least two more web pages that you feel are relevant. Write to your Tutor with your links and explain what you learned from them.

You will then be given a Link to your first Module.

Contact Tutor